All Are Welcome

9:30am - Sunday School | 10:30am - Sunday Worship

As a congregation, PPC seeks to embody a generous, welcoming spirit in all aspects of church life.

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Since 1767

Growing through
Faith in Christ

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Woven together in our faith.
Christian Education Offerings 2023 - 2024


Welcome to Providence Presbyterian Church

We welcome all— because everyone who enters here is welcome in the eyes of a loving God. We welcome all— because in the midst of our diversity Christ includes and unifies us as children of God. We welcome you— we are so glad you are here! Come join us as, one in Christ, we seek to serve the risen Lord. ~Inspired by Galatians: 3: 26-28


Adult Ministry

Adult Ministry

Whether on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evening, or throughout the week, adults of all ages and stages gather to live into faith together.

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry

PPC's Youth Ministry walks alongside of Middle and High School Youth on their spiritual journey through a combination of scripture study, service and fellowship.

Children's Ministry

Children & Families

Children's Ministry at PPC is a place where the Word of God is taught with affection so that children and families may seek and find God in their own lives.


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Now Hiring... PPC Music Director

Providence Presbyterian Church is seeking a Music Director. A Search Committee is now accepting applications. Please see the job description and how to apply via the button bellow.


Now Hiring... Nursery & Childcare Assistant

Providence Presbyterian Church is seeking a Nursery & Childcare Assistant. A Search Committee is now accepting applications. Please see the job description and how to apply via the button bellow.

Welcoming statement

Welcoming Statement

We welcome all—
because everyone who enters here
is welcome in the eyes of a loving God.
We welcome all—
because in the midst of our diversity
Christ includes and unifies us as children of God.
We welcome you—
we are so glad you are here!
Come join us as, one in Christ,
we seek to serve the risen Lord.

(Inspired by Galatians: 3: 26-28)

Winter Tuesday Pastor's Bible Study

Beginning on January 21st, we will have a Bible Study for eight consecutive Tuesdays from January 21st until March 11th. We will gather at 11:00 am and plan to meet for an hour. We will meet in person in the conference room in the Administration Building and also provide a Zoom link for those who want to join on-line. We will be studying the same passage on Tuesday that we will hear in worship the following Sunday.

The Bible Study this winter will primarily focus on the Gospel of Luke. However, the first week, we will study the classic text on love from 1st Corinthians 13. Here is the schedule of what we will be studying for the Bible study class each week:

  • January 21 - 1st Corinthians 13
  • January 28 - Luke 4:14-30
  • February 4 - Luke 5:1-11
  • February 11 - Luke 6:17-26
  • February 18 - Luke 6:27-49
  • February 25 - Luke 9:18-36
  • March 4 - Luke 4:1-13
  • March 11 - Luke 12:22-40