Now Hiring... PPC Music Director
Providence Presbyterian Church is seeking a Music Director. A Search Committee is now accepting applications. Please see the job description and how to apply via the button bellow.
We welcome all—
because everyone who enters here
is welcome in the eyes of a loving God.
We welcome all—
because in the midst of our diversity
Christ includes and unifies us as children of God.
We welcome you—
we are so glad you are here!
Come join us as, one in Christ,
we seek to serve the risen Lord.
(Inspired by Galatians: 3: 26-28)
Donors will have the opportunity to donate one or more hymnals in memory or in honor of a loved one, which will be commemorated with a bookplate on the hymnal’s inside cover.
Each new hymnal will cost $25.00 and we will be receiving donations for new hymnals during the summer. Contributions can be made by check or online. Our goal is to place the new songbooks in the pews by Rally Day in September.